\bibitem{EPAC96} Proc.\ 1996 Eur.\ Part.\ Accel.\ Conf.\ (EPAC96) (Sitges, Spain, June 10-14, 1996); \hfill\break http://www.cern.ch/accelconf/e96/contents.html \bibitem{Broome96} T.A.~Broome, {\sl High Power Targets for Spallation Sources} Proc.\ EPAC96 (Sitges, Spain, 1996), p.~267; \hfill\break http://www.cern.ch/accelconf/e96/PAPERS/ORALS/TUY04A.PDF \bibitem{Cho96} Y.~Cho \etal, {\sl A 10-GeV, 5-MW Pulsed Proton Source for a Spallation Source and a Muon Collider}, Proc.\ EPAC96 (Sitges, Spain, 1996), p.~524; \hfill\break http://www.cern.ch/accelconf/e96/PAPERS/TUPG/TUP003G.PDF \bibitem{Brennan96} M.~Brennan and T.~Roser, {\sl High Intensity Performance of the Brookhaven AGS}, Proc.\ EPAC96 (Sitges, Spain, 1996), p.~530; \hfill\break http://www.cern.ch/accelconf/e96/PAPERS/TUPG/TUP011G.PDF % this does not relate to muon colliders \bibitem{Schaechter96} L.~Schaechter. {\sl PASER: Particle Acceleration by Stimulated Emission of Radiation}, Proc.\ EPAC96 (Sitges, Spain, 1996), p.~851; \hfill\break http://www.cern.ch/accelconf/e96/PAPERS/WEPG/WEP129G.PDF \bibitem{Palmer96} R.~B.~Palmer, A.~Sessler and A.~Tollestrup, {\sl Progress on the Design of a High Luminosity Muon Collider}, Proc.\ EPAC96 (Sitges, Spain, 1996), p.~861; \hfill\break http://www.cern.ch/accelconf/e96/PAPERS/TUPG/TUP010G.PDF \bibitem{Cline96} D.~Cline, B.~Norum and R.~Rossmanith, {\sl Polarized Muon Beams in a Muon Collider}, Proc.\ EPAC96 (Sitges, Spain, 1996), p.~867; \hfill\break http://www.cern.ch/accelconf/e96/PAPERS/TUPG/TUP077G.PDF \bibitem{Blaskiewicz96} M.~Blaskiewicz and J.~M.~Brennan, {\sl A Barrier Bucker Experiment for Accumulating Debunched Beam in the AGS}, Proc.\ EPAC96 (Sitges, Spain, 1996), p.~2373; \hfill\break http://www.cern.ch/accelconf/e96/PAPERS/MOPG/MOP002G.PDF