Juan, UPDATE: I just realized that the PAC97 articles have page numbers. So I've added them below..... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Below are all the papers I found from PAC97 that may be of interest for the Status Report and for the targetry proposal. They are in 3 groups: 1. Updates to existing references in the Status Report. separated by %aaa 2. Papers that probably should be referenced in the Status Report but aren't. separated by %ttt 3. Papers that I want for the targetry proposal, but probably won't be referenced in the Status Report. [I've found several papers this way I'm quite interested in myself. A gold mine! Now on to the other accelerator conference web pages....] --Kirk P.S. I haven't checked for spelling or TeXability.... \bibitem{Vancouver97} Proc.\ 1997 Part.\ Accel.\ Conf.\ (PAC97) (Vancouver, 1997);\hfill\break http://www.triumf.ca/pac97/papers/ \bibitem{ref6} R.~B. Palmer, {\sl Progress on \mumu\ Colliders}, Proc.\ PAC97 (Vancouver, 1997), p.~286;\hfill\break http://www.triumf.ca/pac97/papers/pdf/6B002.PDF \bibitem{mokhovrada} C.~Johnstone and N.~Mokhov, {\sl Shielding the Muon Collider Interaction Region}, Proc.\ PAC97 (Vancouver, 1997), p.~414;\hfill\break http://www.triumf.ca/pac97/papers/pdf/4W030.PDF \bibitem{summersshu} D.~Summers, D.~Neuffer, Q.-S.~Shu and E.~Willen, {\sl Acceleration for the $\mu^+\mu^-$ Collider}, Proc.\ PAC97 (Vancouver, 1997), p.~624;\hfill\break http://www.triumf.ca/pac97/papers/pdf/3PC004.PDF \bibitem{snowmass96willenhelical} E.Willen \etal, {\sl A Helical Magnet Design for RHIC}, Proc.\ PAC97 (Vancouver, 1997), p.~3362;\hfill\break http://www.triumf.ca/pac97/papers/pdf/3P010.PDF \bibitem{an} A.~Novokhatski and A.~Mosnier, {\sl Wakefield Dynamics in Quasiperiodic Structures}, Proc.\ PAC97 (Vancouver, 1997), p.~467;\hfill\break http://www.triumf.ca/pac97/papers/pdf/8W013.PDF \bibitem{ref22} A.~Hershcovitch, {\sl Some Options for Pion and Muon Focusing in the AGS g-2 and Neutrino Oscillation Experiments (and Possible New Focusing and Cooling Schemes for a Muon Collider)}, AGS/AD Tech.\ Note No.~413 (BNL, Feb.\ 1996); {\sl High Current Magnetized Plasma Discharges and Electron Beams for Capture and Cooling of Charged Leptons and Hadrons}, Proc.\ PAC97 (Vancouver, 1997), p.~1792;\hfill\break http://www.triumf.ca/pac97/papers/pdf/4V024.PDF %aaaa \bibitem{Ehst97} D.~Ehst, N.~V.~Mokhov, R.~J.~Noble and A.~Van~Ginneken, {\sl Target Options and Yields for a Muon Collider Source}, Proc.\ PAC97 (Vancouver, 1997), p.~393;\hfill\break http://www.triumf.ca/pac97/papers/pdf/4W023.PDF \bibitem{Norem97a} J.~Norem \etal, {\sl Bunch Shortening Experiments in the Fermilab Booster and the AGS}, Proc.\ PAC97 (Vancouver, 1997), p.~396;\hfill\break http://www.triumf.ca/pac97/papers/pdf/4W024.PDF \bibitem{Norem97b} J.~Norem \etal, {\sl The Proton Driver for the $\mu$\mu$ Collider}, Proc.\ PAC97 (Vancouver, 1997), p.~399;\hfill\break http://www.triumf.ca/pac97/papers/pdf/4W025.PDF \bibitem{Fernow97} R.~C.~Fernow, J.~C.~Galladro and R.~B.~Palmer, {\sl Ionization Cooling Using a FOFO Lattice} Proc.\ PAC97 (Vancouver, 1997);\hfill\break http://www.triumf.ca/pac97/papers/pdf/4W026.PDF \bibitem{Takahashi97} H.~Takahashi, Y.~An, X.~Chen and M.~Nomura, {\sl Optimization of the Target for Muon Colliders}, Proc.\ PAC97 (Vancouver, 1997), p.~402;\hfill\break http://www.triumf.ca/pac97/papers/pdf/4W027.PDF \bibitem{Trbojevic97} D.~Trbojevic, K.~Y.~Ng, E.~D.~Courant and S.~Tepikian, {\sl A Lattice for the Muon Collider Demonstration Ring in the RHIC Tunnel}, Proc.\ PAC97 (Vancouver, 1997), p.~405;\hfill\break http://www.triumf.ca/pac97/papers/pdf/4W028.PDF \bibitem{Zhao97} Y.~Zhao \etal, {\sl a Normal Conducting Accelerator for a Muon Collider Demonstration Machine}, Proc.\ PAC97 (Vancouver, 1997), p.~408;\hfill\break http://www.triumf.ca/pac97/papers/pdf/4W029.PDF \bibitem{Neuffer97} D.~Neuffer and A.~Van~Ginneken, {\sl Simulation Studies of Ionization Cooling}, Proc.\ PAC97 (Vancouver, 1997), p.~417;\hfill\break http://www.triumf.ca/pac97/papers/pdf/4W031.PDF \bibitem{Shen97} J.~Shen, {\sl Decreasing Detector Hits from Muon Decay Backgrounds}, Proc.\ PAC97 (Vancouver, 1997);\hfill\break http://www.triumf.ca/pac97/papers/pdf/4W032.PDF \bibitem{Cheng97} W.-H.~Cheng, A.~M.~Sessler, W.~C.~Turner and J.~S.~Wurtele, {\sl Control of Longitudinal Collective Behavior in the Muon Collider Rings}, Proc.\ PAC97 (Vancouver, 1997), p.~422;\hfill\break http://www.triumf.ca/pac97/papers/pdf/4W033.PDF \bibitem{Johnstone97b} C.~J.~Johnstond and A.~Garren, {\sl A Ring Lattice for a 2-TeV Muon Collider Proc.\ PAC97 (Vancouver, 1997), p.~411;\hfill\break http://www.triumf.ca/pac97/papers/pdf/4W034.PDF \bibitem{Ahrens97} L.~Ahrens \etal, {\sl High Intensity Proton Acceleration at the Brookhaven AGS -- An Update}, Proc.\ PAC97 (Vancouver, 1997), p.~89;\hfill\break http://www.triumf.ca/pac97/papers/pdf/7P001.PDF \bibitem{Shu97} Q.~.S.~Shu, D.~Neuffer and S.~Simrock, {\sl Design of Three Recirculating-Linac SRF Systems for a 4-TeV \mumu\ Collider}, Proc.\ PAC97 (Vancouver, 1997), p.~2905;\hfill\break http://www.triumf.ca/pac97/papers/pdf/9C008.PDF \bibitem{Neuffer97b} D.~Neuffer, {\sl Beam Dynamics Problems for a \mumu\ Collider}, Proc.\ PAC97 (Vancouver, 1997), p.~1537;\hfill\break http://www.triumf.ca/pac97/papers/pdf/3B002.PDF \bibitem{Green97} M.~A.~Green and R.~B.~Palmer, {\sl A Mu Mu Collider Capture Solenoid System for Pions from a Tilted Target}, Proc.\ PAC97 (Vancouver, 1997), p.~3401;\hfill\break http://www.triumf.ca/pac97/papers/pdf/6P006.PDF \bibitem{Trbojevic97b} D.~Trbojevic \etal, {\sl A Proton Driver for the Muon Collider Source with a Tunable Momentum Compaction Lattice}, Proc.\ PAC97 (Vancouver, 1997), p.~1030;\hfill\break http://www.triumf.ca/pac97/papers/pdf/7W017.PDF \bibitem{Shiltsev97} V.~D.~Shiltsev, {\sl An Asymmetric Muon-Proton Collider: Luminosity Consideration}, Proc.\ PAC97 (Vancouver, 1997), p.~420;\hfill\break http://www.triumf.ca/pac97/papers/pdf/8W031.PDF %tttt \bibitem{Padamsee97} H.~Padamsee, {\sl Overview of Advances in the Basic Understanding of Dark Current and Breakdown in RF Cavities}, Proc.\ PAC97 (Vancouver, 1997), p.~2884;\hfill\break http://www.triumf.ca/pac97/papers/pdf/9C002.PDF \bibitem{Donahue97} J.~B.~Donahue \etal, {\sl LANSCE Short-Pulse Spallation Source Target Upgrade}, Proc.\ PAC97 (Vancouver, 1997), p.~190;\hfill\break http://www.triumf.ca/pac97/papers/pdf/9P013.PDF \bibitem{Wiseman97} M.~Wiseman \etal, {\sl High Power Electron Beam Dumps at CEBAF}, Proc.\ PAC97 (Vancouver, 1997), P.~3761;\hfill\break http://www.triumf.ca/pac97/papers/pdf/9P066.PDF \bibitem{Grudiev97} A.~V.~Grudiev, D.~G.~Myakishev and V.~P.~Yakovlev, {\sl Simulation of Multippacting in RF Cavities and Periodical Structures}, Proc.\ PAC97 (Vancouver, 1997),p.~2609;\hfill\break http://www.triumf.ca/pac97/papers/pdf/9P098.PDF \bibitem{Xu97} X.~Xu \etal, {\sl RF Breakdown Studies in X-Band Klystron Cavities}, Proc.\ PAC97 (Vancouver, 1997), p.~3045;\hfill\break http://www.triumf.ca/pac97/papers/pdf/8P032.PDF \bibitem{Brown97} K.~A.~Brown, I.~H.~Chiang, A.~Pendzick and T.~Tallerico, {\sl Observations of Secondary Emission Chamber Degradation from Very High Intensity Proton Beams at the AGS}, Proc.\ PAC97 (Vancouver, 1997), p.~2213;\hfill\break http://www.triumf.ca/pac97/papers/pdf/8P047.PDF \bibitem{Kishek97} R.~A.~Kishek and Y.~Y.~lau, {\sl Multipactor Discharge on a Dielectric}, Proc.\ PAC97 (Vancouver, 1997), p.~3198;\hfill\break http://www.triumf.ca/pac97/papers/pdf/7P061.PDF \bibitem{Grobner97} O.~Gr\"obner, {\sl Beam Induced Multipacting}, Proc.\ PAC97 (Vancouver, 1997), p.~3590;\hfill\break http://www.triumf.ca/pac97/papers/pdf/4P004.PDF \bibitem{Appleton97} B.~R.~Appleton, {\sl The National Spallation Neutron Source (NSNS) Project}, Proc.\ PAC97 (Vancouver, 1997), p.~20;\hfill\break http://www.triumf.ca/pac97/papers/pdf/6C003.PDF \bibitem{Gabriel97} T.~A.~Gabriel \etal, {\sl The National Spallation Neutron Source Target Station: A General Overview}, Proc.\ PAC97 (Vancouver, 1997), p.~86;\hfill\break http://www.triumf.ca/pac97/papers/pdf/2B012.PDF