\begin{thebibliography}{100} % KTM's conventions: % A citation is built up from segments, each on a different line: % 1. \bibitem{label} % 2. authors. use the macro \etal is appropriate. (\def added to prst00.tex) % 3. title -- in the published version, Phys. Rev. may want us to suppress % the titles. Easy to do with %'s at beginning of lines. However, % in our own version of the document, I greatly prefer having the % title avaiable, giving the reader more of an idea what the % reference is about. % 4. where published. % 5. URL, if available. % Authors names always have ~ in them; only initials are used for other than % the last name: J.~C.~Gallardo % (Usually I write `J.C.~Gallardo', suppressing the space between multiple % initials. But this document seems to have started with the space present, % so I continue to follow that convention. % The title of an article is thus; {\sl Title of Article} % Published book titles (including conference proceedings are thus: % {\em Title of Book} % Conferences with proceedings published in the AIP series are referred to % in journal style: AIP Conf. Proc. Vol, page (year). % Put a \ after a . in an abbreviation: AIP Conf.\ Proc.\ {\bf nn}, mm (19oo). % Names of conferences with as yet unpublished proceedings are in plain text. % I have made only intermittent use of `unpublished' -- and do not put % this in parentheses. % I consider that preprints without a citation of a publication are % obviously unpublished. Conference proceedings are amibiguous, so I % use `unpublished' for them, if appropriate. % Each URL is on a separate line, with no additional punctuation, I use % \hfill\break to force a new line. % I have defined the symbol `\~' to insert a ~ in Unix directory abbreviations. % The other symbol useful in URL's, `\_', is a LaTeX standard. % I have tried to assemble a block of references to the many muon collider % workshops. Then when articles/presentations at one of these workshops % are referred to, I point back to the primary reference for the gory details, % so as not to repeat the lengthy citation thereof. However, I do add % the date to the citation of the article, to give the reader a quick clue % as to the timeliness of the article. [Maybe should drop this???] % % Personally, I consider the many citations `private communication' to be % in bad taste -- we are hiding behind a lack of work on our part. However, % I have let most of them stand, as such a citation is somewhat better than % none at all. \bibitem{Tigner92} M.~Tigner, {\sl Imperatives for Future High Energy Accelerators}, AIP Conf.\ Proc.\ {\bf 279}, 1 (1993). \bibitem{ref01} G.~I.~Budker, {\sl Accelerators and Colliding Beams} (in Russian), in {\em Proc.\ 7$^{th}$ Int.\ Conf.\ on High Energy Accel.} (Yerevan, 1969), p.~33; extract: AIP Conf.\ Proc.\ {\bf 352}, 4 (1996). \bibitem{ref01a} G.~I.~Budker, Int.\ High Energy Conf.\ (Kiev, 1970), unpublished; extract: AIP Conf.\ Proc.\ {\bf 352}, 4 (1996). \bibitem{Kolomensky} A.~A.~Kolomensky, {\sl On the Oscillation Decrements in Accelerators in the Presence of Arbitrary Energy Losses}, Sov.\ Atomic Energy {\bf 19}, 1511 (1965); \hfill\break http://puhep1.princeton.edu/mumu/physics/kolomensky/1.html \bibitem{Budker67} G.~I.~Budker, {\sl An Effective Method of Damping Particle Oscillations in Proton and Antiproton Storage Rings}, Sov.\ Atomic Energy {\bf 22}, 438 (1967); \hfill\break http://puhep1.princeton.edu/mumu/physics/budker/1.html \bibitem{Ado} Yu.~M.~Ado and V.~I.~Balbekov, {\sl Use of Ionization Friction in the Storage of Heavy Particles}, Sov.\ Atomic Energy {\bf 31}, 731 (1971); \hfill\break http://puhep1.princeton.edu/mumu/physics/ado/1.html \bibitem{Balbekov96} V.~I.~Balbekov, {\sl Achievable Transverse Emittance of Beam in Muon Collider}, AIP Conf.\ Proc.\ {\bf 372}, 140 (1996); \hfill\break ftp://ftp.mumu.bnl.gov/pub/documents/balbekov.ps \bibitem{ref7} Rajendran Raja and Alvin Tollestrup, {\sl Calibrating the energy of a $50 \times 50$~GeV Muon Collider using $g-2$ spin precession}, Phys.\ Rev.\ D~{\bf 58}, 013005 (1998); \hfill\break http://xxx.lanl.gov/ps/hep-ex/9801004 \bibitem{ref2b} D.~Neuffer, {\sl Multi-TeV Muon Colliders}, AIP Conf.\ Proc.\ {\bf 156}, 201 (1987); \hfill\break http://www-ppd.fnal.gov/muscan/munotes/mc-006.pdf \bibitem{cline80} D.~Cline and D.~Neuffer, {\sl A Muon Storage Ring for Neutrino Oscillation Experiments}, AIP Conf.\ Proc.\ {\bf 68}, 846 (1980); reproduced in AIP Conf.\ Proc.\ {\bf 352}, 10 (1996); \bibitem{Skrinsky71} A.~N.~Skrinsky, {\sl Intersecting Storage Rings at Novosibirsk}, Proc.\ Int.\ Seminar on Prospects of High-Energy Physics (Morges, Mar.\ 1971), unpublished; extract: AIP Conf.\ Proc.\ {\bf 352}, 6 (1996). \bibitem{Budker78} G.~I.~Budker and A.~N.~Skrinsky, {\sl Electron cooling and new possibilities in elementary particle physics}, Sov.\ Phys.\ Usp.\ {\bf21}, 277 (1978). \bibitem{Skrinsky80} A.~N.~Skrinsky, {\sl Acceleration and Instrumentation Prospects of Elementary Particle Physics}, AIP Conf.\ Proc.\ {\bf 68}, 1056 (1980). \bibitem{ref1a} A.~N.~Skrinsky and V.~V.~Parkhomchuk, {\sl Methods of cooling beams of charged particles}, Sov.\ J.\ Part.\ Nucl.\ {\bf 12}, 223 (1981). \bibitem{Skrinsky82} A.~N.~Skrinsky, {\sl Accelerator and detector prospects of elementary particle physics}, Sov.\ Phys.\ Usp. {\bf 25}, 639 (1982), sec.~3n. \bibitem{ref1} V.~V. Parkhomchuk and A.~N.~Skrinsky, {\sl Ionization Cooling: Physics and Applications}, in {\em Proc.\ 12$^{th}$ Int.\ Conf.\ on High Energy Accel.}, ed.\ by F.~T.~Cole and R.~Donaldson (Fermilab, 1983), p.~485; \hfill\break http://www-ppd.fnal.gov/muscan/munotes/mc-003.pdf \bibitem{Skrinsky96a} A.~N.~Skrinsky, {\sl Ionization Cooling and Muon Collider}, AIP Conf.\ Proc.\ {\bf 372}, 133 (1996). \bibitem{Skrinsky96b} A.~N.~Skrinsky, {\sl Polarized Muons Beams for Muon Collider}, Nucl.\ Phys.\ B (Proc.\ Suppl.) {\bf 51A}, 201 (1996). \bibitem{ref2} D.~Neuffer, {\sl Colliding Muons Beams at 90 GeV}, Fermilab report FN-319 (July 1979); \hfill\break http://www-ppd.fnal.gov/muscan/munotes/mc-001.pdf \bibitem{ref2a} D.~Neuffer, {\sl Principles and Applications of Muon Cooling}, in {\em Proc.\ 12$^{th}$ Int.\ Conf. on High Energy Accel.}, ed.\ by F.~T.~Cole and R.~Donaldson (Fermilab, 1983), p.~481; Part.\ Acc.\ {\bf 14}, 75 (1983); reproduced in AIP Conf.\ Proc.\ {\bf 353}, 12 (1996). \bibitem{PortJeff} J.~Wurtele (ed.), {\em Advanced Accelerator Concepts} (Port Jefferson, NY, June 14-20, 1992), AIP Conf.\ Proc.\ {\bf 279} (1993); see P.~Chen and K.~T.~McDonald, {\sl Summary of the Physics Opportunities Working Group}, p.~853. \bibitem{Napa} D.~B.~Cline (ed.), Proc.\ of the Mini-Workshop on \mumu\ Colliders (Napa, CA, Dec.\ 1992), Nucl.\ Instr.\ \& Meth.\ {\bf A350}, 24-56 (1994). \bibitem{ref3a} H.~A.~Thiessen (ed.), {\em Proceedings of the Muon Collider Workshop}, Los Alamos National Laboratory Report LA-UR-93-866 (Feb.\ 1993). \bibitem{Fontana} P.~Schoessow (ed.), {\em Advanced Accelerator Concepts} (Fontana, WI, 1994), AIP Conf.\ Proc.\ {\bf 335} (1995); see R.B.~Palmer and D.~Neuffer, {\sl A Practical High-energy High-Luminosity \mumu\ Collider}, p.~635. \bibitem{ref3b} D.~B.~Cline (ed.), {\em Physics Potential and Development of $\mu^+\mu^-$ Colliders} (Sausalito, CA, Nov.\ 1994), AIP Conf.\ Proc.\ {\bf 352} (1996). \bibitem{Tamura94} T.~Tajima (ed.), {\em The Future of Accelerator Physics}, Proc.\ of the Tamura Symposium (Austin, TX, Nov.\ 1994), AIP Conf.\ Proc.\ {\bf 356} (1996); see D.~V.~Neuffer and R.~B.~Palmer, {\sl Progress Toward a High-Energy, High-Luminosity \mumu\ Collider}, p.~344. \bibitem{BNL95} J.~Gallardo (ed.), {\em Transparencies presented at the 2+2 TeV \mumu\ Collider Collaboration Meeting}, (BNL, Feb.\ 6-8, 1995). \bibitem{FNAL95} R.~Noble (ed.), {\em Transparencies presented at the 2+2 TeV \mumu\ Collider Collaboration Meeting}, (Fermilab, July 11-13, 1995). \bibitem{ref3c} J.~C.~Gallardo (ed.), {\em Beam Dynamics and Technology Issues for \mumu\ Colliders}, 9$^{th}$ Advanced ICFA Beam Dynamics Workshop (Montauk, NY, Oct.\ 15-20, 1995), AIP Conf.\ Proc.\ {\bf 372} (1996); also {\em Transparencies} from the Workshop. \bibitem{sfo95} D.~B.~Cline (ed.), {\em Transparency Book, 3$^{rd}$ Int.\ Conf.\ on Physics Potential and Development of \mumu\ Colliders}, (San Francisco, CA, Dec.\ 13-15, 1995). \bibitem{BNL96} J.~Gallardo (ed.), {\em Transparencies presented at the 2+2 TeV \mumu\ Collider Collaboration Meeting}, (BNL, Jan.\ 31-Feb.\ 2, 1995). \bibitem{FNAL96} R.~Noble (ed.), {\em Transparencies presented at the 2+2 TeV \mumu\ Collider Collaboration Meeting}, (Fermilab, April 1-3, 1996). \bibitem{Snowmass96} D.~G.~Cassel, L.~T.~Gennari, R.~H.~Siemann (eds.), {\em New Directions for High-Energy Physics}, Proc.\ of the 1996 DPF/DPB Summer Study on High-Energy Physics, (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Menlo Park, CA, 1997). \bibitem{SantaB96} Z.~Parsa (ed.), {\em Future High Energy Colliders} (Santa Barbara, CA, Oct.\ 1996), AIP Conf.\ Proc.\ {\bf 397} (1997); see D.~B.~Cline, {\sl The Problems and Physics Prospects for a \mumu\ Collider}, p.~203. \bibitem{Argonne96} Transparency book: {\em Workshop on the Proton Driver for the Muon Collider}, (Argonne Lab, Nov.\ 14-15, 1996). \bibitem{Oxford} D.~Summers and M.~Taylor (eds.), {\em Transparencies Presented at the Muon Collider Workshop} (Oxford, MS, Jan.\ 17-18, 1997). \bibitem{LBL97} Workshop on Muon Colliders (LBNL, Feb.\ 1997). \bibitem{BNL97} R.~C.~Fernow (ed.), {\em Transparencies Presented at the \mumu\ Collider Ionization Cooling Meeting} (BNL, Apr.\ 7-8, 1997). \bibitem{Orcas} J.~Wurtele (ed.), {\em Transparencies of the Muon Collider Workshop} (Eastsound, Orcas Island, WA, May 17-20, 1997). \bibitem{Vancouver97} Proc.\ 1997 Part.\ Accel.\ Conf.\ (Vancouver, 1997), to be published. \bibitem{ref3} D.~B.~Cline, A.~Garren and K.~Lee (eds.), {\em Transparency Book from Higgs Factory \mumu\ Collider Mini Workshop} (UCLA, July 1-3, 1997). \bibitem{BNLlattice97} Mini-Workshop on the Muon Collider Lattice (BNL, 1997). \bibitem{FNALcool97} Mini-Workshop on Ionization Cooling (Fermilab, Oct.\ 1997). \bibitem{mup} S.~Geer and R.~Raja (eds.), {\em Workshop on Physics at the First Muon Collider and at the Front End of the Muon Collider}, (Fermilab, Nov.\ 1997), AIP Conf.\ Proc.\ {\bf 435} (1998); \hfill\break % http://fnphyx-www.fnal.gov/conferences/femcpw97/plenary/talks.html http://www.fnal.gov/projects/muon\_collider/physics/talks.html \bibitem{sanfrisco} Proc.\ 4$^{th}$ Int.\ Conf.\ on the Physics Potential \& Development of $\mu^+\mu^-$ Colliders (San Francisco, CA, Dec.\ 10-12, 1997), to be published; also {\em Transparency Book}. \bibitem{UCLA98} M.~Atac, D.~Cline, A.~Garren and K.~Lee (eds.), {\em Transparency Book for the 2$^{nd}$ Mini-Workshop on Higgs Factory: Lattice and Detector} (UCLA, Feb.\ 12-13, 1998). \bibitem{Alabama98} Muon Collider Collaboration meeting (Gulf Shores, AL, Mar.\ 1998). \bibitem{BNLcool98} Mini-Workshop on Ionization Cooling (BNL, 1998). \bibitem{status96} R.~B.~Palmer, A.~Sessler and A.~Tollestrup, {\sl Status Report of a High Luminosity Muon Collider and Future Research and Development Plans}, in \cite{Snowmass96}, p.~203; \hfill\break ftp://ftp.mumu.bnl.gov/pub/documents/aba\_new.ps \bibitem{ref6a} The $\mu^+\mu^-$ Collider Collaboration, {\em $\mu^+\mu^-$ Collider Feasibility Study}, BNL-52503, FERMILAB-Conf-96/092, LBNL-38946 (July 1996); \hfill\break http://www.cap.bnl.gov/mumu/book.html \bibitem{Barger} V.~Barger, M.~Berger, J.~Gunion and T.~Han, {\sl Higgs Boson Physics in the $s$-Channel at \mumu\ Colliders}, Phys.\ Rep.\ {\bf 286}, 1 (1997); \hfill\break http://xxx.lanl.gov/hep-ph/9602397 \bibitem{gunion} J.~Gunion, {\sl Physics at a Muon Collider}, UCD-98-5 (Nov.\ 1997); \hfill\break http://xxx.lanl.gov/hep-ph/9802258 \bibitem{ref100} See the papers at the URL's http://www.fnal.gov/projects/muon\_collider/physics/physics.html \hfill\break http://puhep1.princeton.edu/mumu/physics/ \bibitem{ref4a} R.~B.~Palmer \etal, {\sl Muon Collider Design}, Nucl.\ Phys.\ B (Proc.\ Suppl.) {\bf 51A}, 61 (1996). %in {\em {Proceedings of the Symposium on Physics % Potential \& Development of $\mu^+\mu^-$ Colliders}}, %ed.\ by D.\ Cline \bibitem{ref4} R.~B.~Palmer \etal, {\sl Muon Colliders}, AIP Conf.\ Proc.\ {\bf 372}, 3 (1996); \hfill\break http://xxx.lanl.gov/ps/acc-phys/960201 \bibitem{ref4b} R.~B. Palmer and J.~C.~Gallardo, {\sl Muon-Muon and Other High Energy Colliders}, in {\em Techniques and Concepts of High Energy Physics IX}, ed.\ by T.\ Ferbel (Plenum Press, New York, 1997), p.~183; \hfill\break ftp://ftp.mumu.bnl.gov/pub/documents/master\_stcroix.ps \bibitem{ref5} R.~B.~Palmer and J.~C.~Gallardo, {\sl High Energy Colliders}, in {\em Critical Problems in Physics}, ed.\ by V.~L.~Fitch, D.~R.~Marlow, M.~A.~E.~Dementi (Princeton U.\ Press, Princeton, NJ, 1997), p.~247;\hfill\break http://xxx.lanl.gov/ps/physics/9702016 \bibitem{ref6} R.~B. Palmer, {\sl Progress on $\mu^+\mu^-$ Colliders}, submitted to \cite{Vancouver97} (May 1997); \hfill\break ftp://ftp.mumu.bnl.gov/pub/documents/palmer-pac97.tar.gz \bibitem{ref0} R.~B.~Palmer, % for~the Muon Collider~Collaboration, {\sl Muon Collider: Introduction and Status}, BNL-65241, CAP-201-MUON-98C (Jan.\ 1998); \hfill\break http://xxx.lanl.gov/ps/physics/9802005 %presented at the Workshop on Physics at the % First Muon Collider and at the Front End of a Muon Collider %(Fermilab, 1997); \hfill\break %http://www.fnal.gov/projects/muon\_collider/talks/fmcfe97\_palmer.ps \bibitem{ref0a} R.~B.~Palmer, % for~the Muon Collider~Collaboration, {\sl Muon Collider Design}, BNL-65242, CAP-200-MUON-98C (Jan.\ 1998); submitted to \cite{sanfrisco}; \hfill\break http://xxx.lanl.gov/ps/physics/9802002 % submitted to the Proceedings of the Symposium on Physics Potential \& % Development of $\mu^+\mu^-$ Colliders (San Francisco, CA, 1997). \bibitem{ref0b} R.~~Palmer, A.~Sessler, A.~Tollestrup and J.~Gallardo, {\sl Muon Collider Overview: Progress and Future Plans}, to appear in Proc.\ EPAC98 Conf.\ (Stockholm, June 1998); \hfill\break http://xxx.lanl.gov/ps/physics/9807006 \bibitem{Ruggerio92} A.~G.~Ruggerio, {\sl The Muon Collider}, AIP Conf.\ Proc.\ {\bf 279}, 958 (1993). \bibitem{sgeer} S.~Geer, {\sl Long Baseline Neutrino Ideas Using an Intense Muon Source}, AIP Conf.\ Proc.\ {\bf 435}, xxx (1998); \hfill\break %submitted to \cite{mup} (Nov.\ 1997); \hfill\break http://www.fnal.gov/projects/muon\_collider/talks/steves\_nu\_talk.ps \bibitem{sgeerjhf} S.~Geer, {\sl Muon Storage Ring Neutrino Source}, presented at Int.\ Workshop on JHF Science (KEK, March, 1998);\hfill\break http://www.fnal.gov/projects/muon\_collider/talks/sg\_nu\_jhf98.ps \bibitem{bjknu1} B.~J.~King, {\sl Neutrino Physics at a Muon Collider}, AIP Conf.\ Proc.\ {\bf 435}, xxx (1998); \hfill\break %submitted to \cite{mup} (Nov.\ 1997);\hfill\break http://pubweb.bnl.gov/people/bking/nufnal97.ps \bibitem{bjknu2} B.~J.~King, {\sl Neutrino Physics at Muon Colliders}, submitted to \cite{sanfrisco} (Dec.\ 1997); \hfill\break http://pubweb.bnl.gov/people/bking/sf97.ps \bibitem{ref8b} B.~J. King, {\sl Muon Colliders: New Prospects for Precision Physics and the High Energy Frontier}, BNL report CAP-224-MUON-98C (April, 1998), submitted to Proc.\ Latin Am.\ Symp.\ High Energy Phys.\ (San Juan, Puerto Rico, April 8-11, 1998); \hfill\break http://pubweb.bnl.gov/people/bking/pr98.ps \bibitem{kaon} TRIUMF, {\em KAON Factory Proposal} (Sept.\ 1985). \bibitem{sns} {\sl 5~MW Pulsed Spallation Neutron Source, Preconceptual Design Study}, BNL-60678 (June 1994). \bibitem{Snowmass3} Chapter 3 of \cite{ref6a}. \bibitem{fnal_study} C.~Ankenbrandt and R.~Noble, {\sl Summary of the Accelerator Working Group}, AIP Conf.\ Proc.\ {\bf 435}, xxx (1998); \hfill\break %submitted to \cite{mup}; %FERMILAB-Conf-98-112 (April 1998); \hfill\break http://www-lib.fnal.gov/archive/1998/conf/Conf-98-074.html %Presentations at the Workshop on Physics at the % First Muon Collider and at the Front End of the Muon Collider, \bibitem{agsint95} M.~Blaskiewicz \etal, {\sl High Intensity Proton Operations at Brookhaven}, in {\em Proc.\ 1995 Part. Accel.\ Conf. (PAC95)} (Dallas, TX, 1995), p.~383. \bibitem{Roser96} T.~Roser, {\sl AGS Performance and Upgrades: A Possible Proton Driver for a Muon Collider}, AIP Conf.\ Proc.\ {\bf 372}, 47 (1996); \hfill\break ftp://ftp.mumu.bnl.gov/pub/documents/roser.ps \bibitem{Cho96} Y.~Cho \etal, {\sl A 10-GeV, 5-MW Proton Source for a Muon-Muon Collider}, AIP Conf.\ Proc.\ {\bf 372}, 31 (1996); \hfill\break ftp://ftp.mumu.bnl.gov/pub/documents/harkay.ps \bibitem{HolmesED} S.~D.~Holmes (ed.), {\sl A Development Plan for the Fermilab Proton Source}, FERMILAB-TM-2021 (Sept.\ 1997); \hfill\break http://www-lib.fnal.gov/archive/1997/tm/c-TM-2021.pdf \bibitem{Popovic} M.~Popovic (ed.), {\sl Present, Near Future and Future Performance of the Fermilab Linac}, FERMILAB-Pub-96/046 (March 1996);\hfill\break http://www-lib.fnal.gov/archive/1996/pub/Pub-96-046.html \bibitem{Ng} K.~Y.~Ng and Z.~Qian, {\sl Space-Charge Effects of the Proposed High-Intensity Fermilab Booster}, FERMILAB-Conf-98-116 (April 1998); \hfill\break http://www-lib.fnal.gov/archive/1998/conf/Conf-98-116.html \bibitem{GriffinQKerns} J.~E.~Griffin, {RF System Considerations for the Muon Collider Proton Driver Synchrotrons}, FERMILAB-FN-669 (June 1998); \hfill\break http://www-lib.fnal.gov/archive/1998/fn/FN-669.html %M. Brennan, %Q. Kerns, I. Kourbanis, H.W. Miller, A. Moretti, D. Neuffer, K.Y. Ng, %M. Popovic, Z. Qian and D. 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