\clearpage \section{Appendix A: BNL E-910, Low-Momentum Pion Production} Inclusive pion cross sections in proton nucleus interactions are quite hard to calculate due to the contribution of many different processes and are best determined experimentally. Various event-generator codes used by the heavy-ion-% physics community \cite{arc,mars,dpmjet} to simulate the cascade inside the nucleus indicate a pronounced peak in pion production at low momenta. Unfortunately, there is very limited data in the literature for pion production at the low end of the spectrum (below 200~MeV/$c$). These data also are essential for calibrating the event generators for use in a realistic simulation of the muon-collider front end. Since many aspects of the targetry and pion capture/phase rotation depend on the shape and magnitude of these spectra, the Muon Collider Collaboration has allocated some resources to obtain critical results on pion production by joining BNL experiment 910, which was capable of the necessary acceptance and statistics. By combining large acceptance with particle identification and high statistics, data from E910 have allowed a systematic study of proton-nucleus interactions as a function of the number of slow protons and pions produced, rapidity loss of the leading particle, total transverse-energy content, \etc \begin{figure}[ht] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=5in,height=2.5in]{E910detconf.eps} \caption{Major detectors in E910. The MPS magnet around the TPC has been omitted. The beam comes in from the left toward the target located in front of the TPC, which is followed by the \v Cerenkov and time-of-flight counters. The rectangular frames are wire chambers.} \label{E910detconf} \end{center} \end{figure} A simplified GEANT depiction of the E910 detector setup can be seen in Fig.~\ref{E910detconf}. The main tracking detector was the EOS time projection chamber (TPC) placed inside the MPS magnet, downstream of the target to achieve almost full forward acceptance for charged tracks, an accurate determination of the vertex position using these tracks, and particle identification using ionization energy loss in the P-10 gas volume. The TPC was supplemented by proportional chambers placed upstream for incoming beam track reconstruction, as well as by drift chambers, a \v Cerenkov counter, and a time of flight wall located downstream for improved momentum resolution and particle id. A scintillating-fiber detector behind the target was used as a multiplicity trigger for central collisions, and a scintillator beam veto behind the TPC defined minimum-bias events, including interactions that occur in the TPC gas. Experiment 910 ran for 14 weeks in the A1 beamline at the AGS during Spring~1996 using a proton beam on a target placed in the MPS spectrometer, and collected over 20 million events, of which about a quarter are minimum bias triggers for inclusive cross section measurements. The targets were varied in material (Be, Cu, Au, U) and thickness (2-100\% interaction length) and three different beam energies were used (6, 12.5 and 18~GeV/$c$). This was the first and only run of this experiment so far. Since then, the efforts of the E910 collaboration have focused on careful analysis of the large data sample obtained. %Detailed breakdown of the data is shown in Table~\ref{E910data}. A typical event in the TPC is shown in Fig.~\ref{E910event}, and Fig.~\ref{E910chmult} shows the charged multiplicity distribution in the TPC. Figure~\ref{E910dedxpid} shows the $dE/dx$ energy loss \vs\ momentum for reconstructed tracks in the TPC, with clear separation of different particle species \cite{Hiro}. \begin{figure}[ht] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=3in]{E910event.eps} \caption{Downstream view of an interaction in the Au target located upstream of the TPC, showing hits reconstructed in the TPC.} \label{E910event} \end{center} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[ht] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=3in]{E910chmult.eps} \caption{Charged-track multiplicity in the TPC from the 2-mm-thick Au target with a soft interaction trigger.} \label{E910chmult} \end{center} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[ht] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=3in]{E910dedxpid.eps} \caption{Ionization energy loss for tracks with 30 or more hits in the TPC. The beam momentum was 18~GeV/$c$. } \label{E910dedxpid} \end{center} \end{figure} An early tracking pass over a fraction of the data for preliminary physics insight has been performed in March-April~1997. Reliable tracking of particles down to 50~MeV/$c$ has been accomplished in offline analysis. Approximate shapes for total and transverse momentum spectra for pions from this pass are shown in Figs.~\ref{E910au18} and \ref{E910cu18}. A calibration pass was completed through August-October~1997, and a tracking pass over all the data using the calibration constants obtained. Many improvements in tracking are underway and should be complete in Fall~1998. The data processing effort is being carried out in parallel at many sites including BNL, Columbia, FSU, Iowa State, LLNL and ORNL. \begin{figure}[ht] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=3in]{E910au18.eps} \caption{Forward pion spectrum for Au at 18~GeV/$c$. Particles to the left of the vertical line at 225 MeV/$c$ would be captured by a 20-T, 15-cm-bore solenoid.} \label{E910au18} \end{center} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[ht] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=3in,]{E910cu18.eps} \caption{Forward pion spectrum for Cu at 18 GeV/$c$.} \label{E910cu18} \end{center} \end{figure} An important aspect of the pion measurement in E910 is that the $dE/dx$ sampling in the TPC is the only means of identification for particles below about 500~MeV/$c$, since these particles either don't reach any detectors downstream of the TPC or their momentum is not high enough for particle id using time of flight or \v Cerenkov light. However, there is a large amount of overlap between the electron and muon/pion $dE/dx$ bands around 100-200 MeV/$c$, as can be seen in Fig.~\ref{E910dedxslow} \cite{Hiro}. The electrons are produced mostly from photon conversions to \ee pairs in the target, which has enough radiation lengths to make the electron/pion ratio about one in this momentum region for the 2\%-interaction-length Au target. Electrons can be identified in the TPC by reconstructing \ee pairs. The current tracking pass will produce better $dE/dx$ resolution based on accurate TPC calibration, and will allow better separation of electrons and pions. An important question in interpreting results and validating event generators is the size of the very slow, large-angle/backward component of the pion spectrum. This will be addressed with E910 events in which beam-gas interactions occurred in the TPC, allowing full $4\pi$ coverage for tracks produced in proton-Ar interactions. A typical beam-gas event is shown in Fig.~\ref{E910beamgas}. \begin{figure}[ht] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=4in]{E910beamgas.eps} \caption{Side view of a beam-gas interaction in the TPC with complete coverage for backward tracks.} \label{E910beamgas} \end{center} \end{figure} A publication on inclusive pion production based on E910 data is in preparation and will come out later this year. Comparison with event generators also is underway. \clearpage \section{Appendix B: High Intensity Performance and Upgrades at the AGS} [This Appendix has been published separately as ref.~\cite{Roser98}.] %%%%%%%%% %\def\mco{\multicolumn} %%%%%%%% \subsection{Recent AGS High Intensity Performance} Figure \ref{agscomplex} shows the present layout of the AGS-RHIC accelerator complex. The high intensity proton beam of the AGS is used both for the slow-extracted-beam (SEB) area (with many target stations to produce secondary beams) and for the fast-extracted-beam (FEB) line (used for the production of muons for the $g-2$ experiment and for high intensity target testing for the spallation neutron sources and muon production targets for the muon collider). The same FEB line also will be used for the transfer of beam to RHIC. \begin{figure}[htb] \begin{center} \includegraphics [width=5in,clip]{agscomplex.eps} \caption{The AGS-RHIC accelerator complex.} \label{agscomplex} \end{center} \end{figure} The proton-beam intensity in the AGS has increased steadily over the 35-year existence of the AGS, but the most dramatic increase occurred over the last couple of years with the addition of the new AGS Booster \cite{agsint95,Ahrens97}. In Fig.~\ref{agsint} the history of the AGS intensity improvements is shown, and the major upgrades are indicated. The AGS Booster has one quarter the circumference of the AGS and therefore allows four Booster beam pulses to be stacked in the AGS at an injection energy of 1.5-1.9~GeV. At this increased energy, space-charge forces are much reduced, and this in turn allows for the dramatic increase in the AGS beam intensity. \begin{figure}[htb] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=3in,clip]{agsint97.eps} \caption{The evolution of the proton beam intensity in the Brookhaven AGS.} \label{agsint} \end{center} \end{figure} The 200-MeV LINAC is being used both as the injector into the Booster and as an isotope production facility. A recent upgrade of the LINAC rf system made it possible to operate at an average H$^{-}$ current of 150~$\mu$A and a maximum of $12\times 10^{13}$ H$^{-}$ per 500-$\mu$s LINAC pulse for the isotope production target. Typical beam currents during the 500-$\mu$s pulse are about 80~mA at the source, 60~mA after the 750-keV RFQ, 38~mA after the first LINAC tank (10~MeV), and 37~mA at the end of the LINAC at 200~MeV. The normalized beam emittance is about $2 \pi$ mm-mrad for 95\% of the beam, and the beam energy spread is about $\pm 1.2$~MeV. A magnetic fast chopper installed at 750~keV allows the shaping of the beam injected into the Booster to avoid excessive beam loss. The beam intensity achieved in the Booster surpassed the design goal of $1.5\times 10^{13}$ protons per pulse and reached a peak value of $2.3\times 10^{13}$ protons per pulse. This was achieved by very carefully correcting all the important nonlinear orbit resonances, especially at the injection energy of 200~MeV, and by using the extra set of rf cavities that was installed for heavy-ion operation as a second-harmonic rf system. The latter allows for the creation of a flattened rf bucket, which gives longer bunches with lower space-charge forces. The fundamental rf system operated with 90~kV, and the second-harmonic with 30~kV. The typical bunch area was about 1.5~eV-s. Even with the second-harmonic rf system the incoherent space-charge tune shift can reach one unit right at injection ($3\times 10^{13}$ protons, norm.\ 95\% emittance: $50 \pi$ mm-mrad, bunching factor: 0.5). Of course, such a large tune shift is not sustainable, but the beam emittance growth and beam loss can be minimized by accelerating rapidly during and after injection. Best conditions are achieved by ramping the main field during injection with 3~T/s increasing to 9~T/s after about 10~ms. The quite-large nonlinear fields from eddy currents in the Iconel vacuum chamber of the Booster are passively corrected using correction windings on the vacuum chamber that are driven by backleg windings \cite{Danby90}. The AGS itself also had to be upgraded to be able to cope with the higher beam intensity. During beam injection from the Booster, which cycles with a repetition rate of 7.5~Hz, the AGS needs to store the already transferred beam bunches for about 0.4~s. During this time the beam is exposed to the strong image forces from the vacuum chamber, which cause beam loss from resistive-wall-coupled bunch-beam instabilities within as short a time as a few-hundred revolutions. A very powerful feedback system was installed that senses any transverse movement of the beam and compensates with a correcting kick. This transverse damper can deliver $\pm 160$~V to a pair of 50-$\Omega$, 1-m-long striplines. A recursive digital notch filter is used in the feedback circuit to allow for accurate determination of the average beam position and increased sensitivity to the unstable coherent beam motion. This filter design is particularly important for the betatron tune setting of about 8.9, which is required to avoid the nonlinear octupole stopband resonance at 8.75. With an incoherent tune shift at the AGS injection energy of 0.1 to 0.2 it is still necessary, however, to correct the octupole stopband resonances to avoid excessive beam loss. To reduce the space-charge forces further, the beam bunches in the AGS are lengthened by purposely mismatching the bunch-to-bucket transfer from the Booster and then smoothing the bunch distribution using a high-frequency 100-MHz dilution cavity. The resulting reduction of the peak current helps both with coupled bunch instabilities and stopband beam losses. During acceleration, the AGS beam has to pass through the transition energy after which the revolution time of higher-energy protons becomes longer than for the lower-energy protons. This potentially unstable point during the acceleration cycle was crossed very quickly with a new powerful transition-% energy-jump system with only minimal losses even at the highest intensities. The large lattice distortions introduced by the jump system prior to the transition crossing severely limits the available aperture of the AGS, in particular for momentum spread. Efforts to correct the distortions using sextupoles have been partially successful \cite{vanAsselt95}. After the transition energy, a very rapid, high-frequency instability developed which could be avoided only by purposely further increasing the bunch length using again the high-frequency dilution cavity. The peak beam intensity reached at the AGS extraction energy of 24~GeV was $6.3\times 10^{13}$ protons per pulse, also exceeding the design goal for this latest round of intensity upgrades. It also represents a world record beam intensity for a proton synchrotron. With a 1.6-s slow-extracted-beam spill, the average extracted beam current was about 3~$\mu$A. This level of performance was reached quite consistently over the last few years, and during a typical 20 week run a total of $1 \times 10^{20}$ protons is accelerated in the AGS to the extraction energy of 24~GeV. At maximum beam intensity, about 30\% of the beam is lost at Booster injection (200~MeV), 25\% during the transfer from Booster to AGS (1.5~GeV), which includes losses during the 0.4-s storage time in the AGS, and about 3\% is lost at transition (8~GeV). Although activation levels are quite high, all machines still can be manually maintained and repaired in a safe manner. \begin{figure}[htb] \begin{center} \includegraphics[height=4in,clip]{barrier.eps} \caption{Time-domain-stacking scheme using a barrier-bucket cavity. The evolution of the longitudinal beam structure during the stacking process is shown from top to bottom.} \label{barrier} \end{center} \end{figure} \subsection{Possible Future AGS Intensity Upgrades} Currently the number of Booster beam pulses that can be accumulated in the AGS is limited to four by the fact that the circumference of the AGS is four times the circumference of the Booster. This limits the maximum beam intensity in the AGS to four times the maximum Booster intensity, which itself is limited to $2.5\times 10^{13}$ protons per pulse by the space-charge forces at Booster injection. To overcome this limitation, some sort of stacking will have to be used in the AGS. The most promising scheme is stacking in the time domain. To accomplish this, a cavity that produces isolated rf buckets can be used to maintain a partially debunched beam in the AGS and still leave an empty gap for filling in additional Booster beam pulses. The stacking scheme is illustrated in Fig.~\ref{barrier}. It makes use of two isolated rf buckets to control the width of this gap. Isolated bucket cavities, also called Barrier Bucket cavities, have been used elsewhere \cite{fnal-barrier}. However, for this stacking scheme, a high rf voltage will be needed to contain the large bunch area of the high-intensity beam. An additional important advantage of this scheme is that while the beam is partially debunched in the AGS, the beam density and therefore space-charge forces are reduced by up to a factor of two. A successful test of this scheme has recently been completed \cite{ags-barrier}, and two 40-kV Barrier cavities are being installed in the AGS with the aim of accumulating six Booster beam pulses in the AGS to reach an intensity of about $1\times 10^{14}$ protons per pulse. For further increases in the intensity, the space-charge forces at Booster injection represent the main limitation. This could be overcome by an energy upgrade of the LINAC to about 600~MeV, replacing some of the present 200-MHz cavities with higher-gradient 400-MHz cavities driven by klystrons. At 600 MeV, the space-charge limit at Booster injection would be $5\times 10^{13}$ protons per pulse or $2\times 10^{14}$ protons in the AGS for 4~cycles per AGS cycle. As more Booster beam pulses are accumulated in the AGS, the reduction in the overall duty cycle becomes more significant. For fast-extracted-beam operation (FEB) the accumulation of four Booster pulses already contributes significantly to the overall cycle time. With the addition of a 2-GeV accumulator ring in the AGS tunnel, this overhead time could be completely avoided. Such a ring could be built rather inexpensively using low-field magnets. The maximum repetition rate of the Linac and Booster is 10~Hz. Since the circumference of the AGS is four times that of the Booster, a repetition rate of 2.5~Hz would maintain a throughput of 80~$\mu$A through the whole accelerator chain. Such an increase of the AGS repetition rate by a factor of 2.5 could be achieved by an upgrade of the AGS main magnet power supply only. The resulting beam power of 2~MW at 25~GeV corresponds to the required proton driver performance needed for a demonstration muon-collider project. The upgrades to the AGS complex are summarized in Fig.~\ref{agscomplex_upgrade}. \begin{figure}[htb] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=5in,clip]{agscomplex_upgrades.eps} \caption{Summary of intensity upgrades for the AGS.} \label{agscomplex_upgrade} \end{center} \end{figure}